

Product Code: SP0459

Status: available products

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Specification: 25kg/bag
- Origin: Vietnam
- Uses: Zinc sulphate is an inorganic compound, which exists in the form of 7 hydrated (heptahydrate). Zinc sulphate is most widely used in fertilizers to supplement zinc for crops, and is used in industries such as detergent production, printing ink, rayon production.

Zinc Sulfate – ZNSO4.7H2O is one of the chemicals that are relatively familiar to human health. Most people work in the field of industrial chemicals, although this chemical is quite rare to be found in nature.

The chemical is the chemical formula of ZnSO4, which is an inorganic, white, odorless powder chemical. As mentioned above, this type of compound is mainly produced by chemical reactions and is very rare to find in nature.

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✅ Sell Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4.7H20) ⭐ Hotline: 0908.055.663
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1. What is zinc sulfate?

Zinc Sulfate or Zinc Sulphate is a chemical compound that exists in both anhydrous and hydrated forms with the chemical formula ZnSO4. It is a white, odorless, and water-soluble compound. Commercially, Zinc Sulfate exists in a hydrated form with the formula ZnSO4.7H2O and with the name ZINPHAT HEPTAHYDRATE – ZNSO4.7H2O.

Zinc sulfate is one of the chemicals used in the production of animal feed, micro-fertilizers, printing ink, dyes, disinfectants...

Applications of Zinc sulfate in life and production

Zinc sulfate is most widely used in fertilizers to supplement zinc for plants. Zinc affects biochemical processes Zn affects the formation of many important compounds in plants such as protein, vitamin C, starch, enzymes...

  • Used in the production of animal feed, micro-fertilizers, printing ink, dyes, disinfectants,...
  • In industry, it is used to produce dyes for woolen and yarn fabrics.
  • Used to produce ceramic glaze.
  • In addition, ZnSO4 is also widely used in mineral extraction and used as a test agent with high applicability.
  • In medicine, it is one of the dietary supplements used to create drugs to treat zinc deficiency and prevent symptoms in people at high risk. Side effects may include lower abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, and fatigue.

Notes when using and storing zinc sulfate ZnSO4

Zinc sulfate is a colorless liquid. Chemical exposure can cause eye irritation and skin irritation. May also cause respiratory and digestive irritation. Therefore, we should use protective equipment such as gloves, masks, and specialized clothing to protect the body from the harmful effects of this chemical.

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